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acceptance speech 受命演說。

acceptance supraprotest

In his acceptance speech mr prescott explained to the audience of leading luminaries , which included the lord mayor david brewer a fellow of the club , sir eddie george , the former governor of the bank of england , and lord howe also a fellow and previous recipient of the award , how important china had become to the uk , referring to the multitude of trips and missions he himself has lead over the years 普萊斯科特先生在獲獎演講中,對包括市長大衛.布魯爾侯爵(破冰俱樂部成員) 、前英格蘭銀行行長艾迪.喬治爵士和豪勛爵(也是破冰俱樂部成員,也曾獲本獎項)等高層人士在內的觀眾闡述了中國對于英國的重要性,并提到他過去多年多次赴華訪問和出使的經歷。

Adjani won an oscar nomination and her third csar for her performance as the tragic heroine , but she caused more controversy during her csar acceptance speech by reading aloud from salman rushdie s satanic verses 克勞黛的導演一起生活并有了一個兒子,但他們始終沒有結婚。伊莎貝拉生命還有一個著名的男子那就是丹尼爾.戴

The award ceremony will be part of the convocation proceedings . the two award recipients will be invited to make a 3 minute acceptance speech articulating their teaching philosophies to the audience 頒獎典禮將會是畢業典禮的一部分。兩位獲獎者將被邀請上臺向聽眾致大約3分鐘的有關教學思想的講話。

It wasn ' t just foreign accents , and foreign - language acceptance speeches , that set many of the evening ' s winners apart : the big winners all have distinctive creative voices too 這不僅僅是有外國口音和外語的致辭,這區分了很多奧斯卡贏家:所有的大贏家都有特點鮮明的有創造性的話語。

45 seconds . one billion viewers . oscar winners are given one of the largest platforms in the world for public speech . here are some tips for how to write good acceptance speech 45秒,一百萬觀眾。奧斯卡獲獎者能夠登上世界上最宏大的演講臺。這里有一些寫好獲獎感言的建議。

The winners were given one minute to deliver their acceptance speech , with the time limit strictly policed by an outspoken eight - year - old girl 獲獎者均擁有一分鐘的時間發表獲獎感言,時間由一位心直口快的8歲女孩嚴格控制。

Afterwards , the supreme master ching hai gave an acceptance speech 而后清海無上師以流利的英語向會眾致辭。

To play his local emmy acceptance speech from last year 放他去年在艾美獎頒獎典禮上發言的帶子

Here are some tips for how to write good acceptance speech 這里有一些寫好獲獎感言的建議。

In my managerial acceptance speech today 在今天的經理就職儀式上感謝你的